
Help for Yemen

Photos of Yemeni children, physically starving to death, that we received from our team in Yemen this morning. I urge you all to not just read and move on, please do something to help these innocent children. Alyaa died because we got to her too late, but these children are still alive and breathing and we can save them. If it means that we go one night without a meal and donate its cost to save these children’s lives, then I’m sure we can do it.

raised of £100,000.00 target
by 537 donors

£46,506.98 raised of £100,000.00




In 2016, due to the serious humanitarian crisis, WWB began focussing its attention on Yemen where economic and public services were affected. The economic blockade caused starvation in separate areas and epidemics became widespread. The scale of which was so great, that it had become too much for some humanitarian organizations who were left with no choice but to evacuate from Yemen.

With the help of Yemeni volunteers from inside of Yemen, WWB is one of a small number of charities that is able to continue to help distributing lifesaving humanitarian aid and essential services. With a 100% donation and a zero admin fee policy, WWB continues to raise donations for Yemen towards essential life-saving supplies, emergency medical aid and assistance.

Due to the humanitarian crisis, retailers in Yemen have had to close their shops, leaving warehouses belonging to wholesalers stockpiled. Our volunteers visit such wholesalers and purchase in bulk. Volunteers transport the goods to storage for sorting.  Distribution takes place with photo and video evidence for the donors.

A summary of our work in Yemen:

Providing assistance and medical support to:
▪ Hospitals and Medical Care centres by providing them with life-saving medication.
▪ Food Baskets were distributed to 7000 Yemeni families in the capital city of Sana’a and its outskirts. Places such as Adan, Lahige, Shabwa, Albaida’a, Thamar, Alhadida, Taaz, Hadramut and Hudaida received food baskets.
▪ Milk was provided to thousands of babies undergoing starvation.
▪ Thousands of cholera vaccines were administered.
▪ Many blankets, mattresses and pillows were distributed to cities affected by cold winters.
▪ 1000 school bags were distributed to children to encourage them not to give up on their education.

Thank you to all of those beautiful souls who donate towards our global relief projects.


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