
Homes for the orphans of Najaf

We have been looking for a place to house orphan families in Najaf who are either homeless or living in squalid conditions.

We found a plot of land in Najaf, sufficient for 200 houses. Each home would be 200sqm. Each plot costs 5 million Iraqi dinars, which is equivalent to only £2500.

We plan to build 200 homes for the orphans there as well as an education centre to educate the younger ones and teach skills to the older ones. This project is Khums eligible.

Your donation will help to keep many orphans and widows safe and will serve as a sadaqa jariya (continuous charity) for you and for your loved ones.


Thank you to all of those beautiful souls who donate towards our global relief projects.

raised of £100,000.00 target
by 73 donors

£31,445.00 raised of £100,000.00



SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information


General, Khums – Both parts, Khums – Sehme Imam, Khums – Sehme Saadat


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