Using my skills as a pharmacist to help with aid work for orphans, the poor and those in need is something I have always wanted to do. However, I had found it tough to find the right opportunity.  As soon as I learned about A World Without Barriers’ humanitarian aid trip for doctors, dentists, optometrists and pharmacists, I jumped at the opportunity.


Trying to raise money for a cause which we were going to be actively involved in, and with our own eyes seeing the difference we could make, made fundraising prior to the trip that much easier.  I was touched by just how many people were willing to donate to such a great cause.

Prior to the trip I had no idea what to expect.  I didn’t know what my role would be, what we would see, and the people I would meet.  I came into the trip knowing a handful of people, but came out of it having acquired a whole new family!

By Zainab W
April 2016


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