Everyone with children knows the feeling when their baby cries for milk or when they need a nappy change and everyone knows the feeling of relief when the baby is granted its wish and stops crying. However, imagine for a moment that you were unable to provide your child with basic necessities such as food or milk. How would that make you feel? This is the feeling that Abbas’s mother felt constantly every time she set eyes on her darling son.
Every time we looked at this photo of Abbas, a small child from Iraq, our heart shattered into a million pieces. He is a disabled infant whose mother had no means of providing him with basic needs that no human being should be without, let alone a baby!
She told us of how she would add sugar or salt to his water in order to keep him alive, but he no longer had the strength or ability to cry for milk or to express his hunger.
Thanks to your generous donations, Abbas received milk, nappies, new bedding, blankets and many other gifts. His mother couldn’t hold back her tears and ran to feed him some milk for the first time after so long. She said no words could ever express how touched she was by such a beautiful gesture from absolute strangers.
Thank you for saving Abbas’s life.
(October 2016)