What People Say

Hasnain B
Hasnain B
A lot of admiration and thanks to the entire A World Without Barriers team for handling 160 of us, with all of our frustrations at times, they kept smiling. May you be rewarded abundantly. I loved the family atmosphere and made a lot of new friends.
Police Sergeant UK
I saw a video and thought of the HCPs/Medics offering their special skills for free to those who really needed it. The video lends itself to that beautiful concept and perhaps opens minds to the fact that people with some of the most everyday skills have the ability to offer those with nothing something that we all take for granted. I will never complain about our NHS again! Thanks to the organisers and all of the volunteers who made this trip a unique experience.
Abbas T
Abbas T
I think each and everyone that joined A World Without Barriers' Easter 2016 humanitarian aid trip are blessed. We made great strides and have changed so many lives already. Let's keep going!

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