Medical Aid Story – Haidar

Your average child begins to enjoy small amounts of solid food from around 6 months of age to a year. However, Haidar a 6 year old boy from Nasiriyya, Iraq was not so fortunate.

Haidar was born with a jaw that was fused to his skull, making it impossible for him to chew solid food. He lived on liquids his whole life but reached a point where his stomach pain became excessive and his jaw continued to cause distress. Life-saving surgery was required to save Haidar however he didn’t have enough money for food, let alone for surgery.

When the news of his condition reached us, we put out an appeal for life saving treatment. Within a short space of time, we received many donations!

Haidar has now had 6 operations to fix his jaw and is now awaiting one final cosmetic surgery operation. He is now able to eat and drink normally.

Thank you to our wonderful donors!

(October 2016)


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